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Recent Posts by Charles F. Saller, Ph.D., President & CEO

Prior to founding ABS, Dr. Saller led the biochemical team at what is now AstraZeneca that worked on the discovery of Seroquel®, one of the most successful drugs of all time both in respect to therapeutic efficacy for psychiatric disorders and market value. Dr. Saller is a serial entrepreneur, having founded Saller Rental Properties in the 1980s, which provided the capital for founding ABS in January 1990. He continues to lead ABS operations and direct its strategy. Dr. Saller has also served as the Principal Investigator or has administered more than $5 million in government grants and contracts as a founder of one other bioscience company and as advisor to others.
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Comfort Zones are Dangerous

This post starts in very general terms and from a personal perspective. It moves on to more career and business-related topics. As you read this, I promise you that there will be something of value for you, your career, or your business. It ends with something that I hope is more personal for many of us.

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Thank You and Happy New Year!

Another year comes rapidly to a close. 2023 was a year of accelerating changes. It is likely that 2024 will bring even more transformation in how we live and work. AI and other technologies will hasten the pace.  

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A New Paradigm for Transforming and Accelerating Research

Let’s begin with a few questions. What are your goals and those of your organization? Is it to grow cells? Is it to find and acquire human biospecimens? Is it to inventory and store biological samples? These tasks are important, but they are not your mission or the value proposition of your organization. 

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ABS BioAccelerator - A New Way to Accelerate the Success of Growing Bioscience Companies

ABS’ Mission is to save and improve lives by making the discovery of drugs and diagnostics faster, easier, and more reliable. Our mission is to make your Mission more successful. As an extension of our mutual mission, we have founded the ABS BioAccelerator to speed up the success of growing life science companies. 

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A Cause of Failure for Many Early-Stage Bioscience Companies: How to Avoid It

ABS typically works with most of the world’s major pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies. As a small business, we know how difficult growth can be. Far too many companies fail, especially in the early stages.  

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ABS Cell Store™ - An Old Concept and A New Initiative

Many years ago, ABS introduced the concept of an ABS Cell Store. The basic idea behind this concept is that scientists who use cells in their work want the data from their experiments, but do not want to spend days and often weeks growing, preparing, QC’ing, and banking cells for their experiments. Nevertheless, researchers require high quality cells for their work.

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Three Essentials for a Successful Research Partnership

The true value of working with another company is realized when an effective partnership is created. This is especially the case when working with a research services provider such as ABS where consultation, collaboration, and customization are essential. 

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This post is about boxes. In this instance, I am not referring to anything as esoteric as the mental boxes, preconceptions, and patterns of belief that can limit us. I am referring to actual boxes, specifically the boxes that ABS uses to ship cells, tissues, and other biological preparations to our clients. This may seem a rather mundane topic, but it illustrates a crucial point.

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New Beginnings

Next month, ABS moves to our new headquarters at 2 Reads Ways in New Castle, DE. This two-story 48,000 sq. ft. office building is renovated with completely new laboratories and building systems. It enables us to expand operations to better serve our clients’ needs.

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Five Essentials for Advancing Your Research When Using Service Providers

Services providers such as human biospecimen collection networks, cell culture scale up and banking labs, sample storage facilities, and analytical laboratories for flow cytometry, protein analysis, and histology play important roles in advancing biomedical research. If you are considering working with a service provider, there are five basic issues that are important to consider.

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