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Please Complain!

For the past three decades we have asked our clients to complain. While we strive to get everything done exactly right every time, we know that may not always happen. No organization can guarantee that. It is far better to hear bad news or learn of a shortcoming than not to hear of an issue. That way, problems are solved, and processes are improved.

We are an extension of your laboratories. Our clients are the most important part of that equation. We exist because of our clients and the important work they do. Working together, we all become better.

We always invite our clients to share concerns so that we can continuously improve the services that we deliver to our clients. That is why we send a satisfaction survey with every shipment. That is why our Client Services Team regularly checks in to make sure that everything is working well. That is why our Business Development Team conducts quarterly business reviews with our clients. We are also providing an additional means to make it easier for our clients to share their concerns and ideas with us.

This year, we launched an ABS Client Portal to share updates on orders and other information. Soon, we will create an area within the portal to share Cases with us. Cases is a quality assurance term that refers to any situation which did not go according to specifications. It covers a range of conditions such as a shipping delay, a problem with packaging, a missing tube, etc. We create a Case whenever we learn of an issue. Anyone at ABS can create a Case. When we learn of a problem for a client, we create a Case. Our Client Portal will provide another means for our clients to have their concerns addressed.

Once a Case is created, senior management are automatically notified. We immediately take action to correct the situation. If a report had a missing data point or a box was damaged, we take whatever corrective action can be taken at that moment. Then, we go beyond any quick fixes of the problem. We do an exhaustive analysis of the situation to understand the root cause of the problem. We institute a plan of corrective actions and process improvements to prevent future occurrences. Then, we monitor the situation to ensure that those corrective actions are effective before we close the Case.

We invite our clients to also share their challenges. In that way your challenges become opportunities for us to improve your workflows. If you have not already signed up for our Client Portal, please contact our Client Services Team and they will assist you so that the services that we provide you with fully meet your needs.

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